We believe that effective community engagement is crucial to the success of the Study and appreciate suggestions for improving our efforts. We have developed a Community Stakeholder Communications Plan (CSCP) that provides a comprehensive guide to community engagement efforts during implementation of the Study. The CSCP is posted on the website.
We have held and plan to hold additional general community meetings to provide overall Study information and updates as well as focused meetings to address more specific topics. These focused meetings will allow for deeper discussion of those topics that are of greatest interest.
The CSCP also calls for the development of a Community Engagement Support and Advice Network (CESAN). This network aims to tap into the expertise of individuals who understand the community’s unique dynamics and preferences. It will include a diverse range of organizations and community groups to ensure that the advisory network encompasses a broad cross-section of community demographics and interests. We are committed to working closely with the CESAN to effectively engage and motivate residents to participate.