Study Timeline
Detailed Timeline
Year 1 — 2023
- Set up needed data and research infrastructure.
- Gather and begin analyzing existing survey and environmental data.
- Begin engaging the community.
- Collect new environmental data.
- Recruit households for community air quality monitoring.
- Begin assessment of birth outcomes.
- Solicit technical expertise and guidance from the SOC during regular meetings.
Year 2 — 2024
- Recruit residents and conduct clinical assessments.
- Begin survey of residents on health and well-being.
- Continue analysis of existing health and environmental data.
- Solicit technical expertise and guidance from the SOC during regular meetings.
Year 3 — 2025
- Continue survey of health and well-being.
- Analyze new health and environmental data.
- Prepare available results for publication.
- Share available findings with community stakeholders.
- Solicit technical expertise and guidance from the SOC during regular meetings.
- At the end of the year, the SOC will evaluate whether the study is on track to meeting its goals and determine if it should continue.
Year 4 — 2026
Pending approval from the SOC in the prior year, the following activities will continue:
- Continue survey of health and well-being.
- Integrate and analyze data.
- Prepare available results for publication.
- Share available findings with community stakeholders.
- Solicit technical expertise and guidance from the SOC during regular meetings.
Year 5 — 2027
- Complete data analysis.
- Prepare results for publication.
- Share findings with community stakeholders.
- Solicit technical expertise and guidance from the SOC during regular meetings.